In partnership with

St Joseph's Catholic Primary Academy, Finkil Street, Brighouse HD6 2NT

01484 713037

St Joseph's Catholic Primary Academy

We are proud to work with all the Catholic schools across our two local authority areas, particularly as the Trust grows and benefits from the expertise and knowledge that other schools joining in the future will bring.

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Charitable Works & Fundraising

Supporting the Local Community

As part of our community links we have a basket in the Main Entrance and one in the staff room in which we collect donations of food (tins, packets, sauces, tea bags, coffee, biscuits etc). When the basket is full,  a member of staff takes the food to Focus4Hope who support the needy. At other times of the year we donate food to the SVP who share this among the needy of the parish.

This is a wonderful thing and our children and their families are very supportive!

Food donations for diabetics are welcome too!

At Harvest Time we give lots of food, donated by our wonderful school community, to the parish and Focus 4 Hope to support those less fortunate than ourselves. 

Here are our Prayer Liturgy Team helping the Focus 4 Hope volunteers with this year's donations.


We raised funds during November for the Royal British Legion and laoid a wreath at the annual Remembrance Service. We were thrilled to hear from the organisers that we had contributed to the fantastic total of £1,000 being raised!

Well done everyone!

Bringing Joy to the Elderly and Housebound

Every year, our fabulous school choir entertain the elderly and housebound of the parish and local community at their Christmas Parties.

The choir is always welcomed and everyone has a fantastic time! 

We also give the party guests a gift!

Choir SVP


We are looking forward to the 19th March again this year and our St Joseph's feast day celebrations!

It has become tradition that on our feast day we take 2 of our First Holy Communion children to Calderdale Royal Hospital to present flowers and a teddy to the first baby born on that day. This is a wonderful opportunity to share love and kindness with others in our community.







Active Citizenship

We know that it is our duty as good human beings to try and help those less fortunate than ourselves in whatever way we can. In our academy we do this in many ways, including through lots of fundraising for good causes through the year.


Every little helps and we must remember that while it is not always possible to do great things we can do many small things in great ways.

 Community Christmas Singalong

We hosted a Community Christmas Singalong to raise money for CRY - 'Cardiac Risk in the Young', a charity close to our hearts at St Joseph's.

The event was a huge success with members of the school community and parish community coming along as well as members of our local community.

Father Michael led us in a prayer at the beginning and then we were treated to performances from our own school choir as well as from Cornerstones Community Choir. They sang Christmas carols and songs for us and we all had the chance to sing along to some festive favourites too! 

What a fabulous time we all had!

We have purchased a defibrillator with some of the money that our school family and local community can access if needed.

Christmas Fundraiser Singalong


 Our Junior Parish Mission Committee planned and ran a school-parish quiz to raise money for Focus4Hope. It was a huge success and they raised £265! Fantastic!

Here they are presenting the funds raised to Lidia Shinwell, the Chair of the charity. As you can imagine, she was thriilled!


Good Shepherd

We will continue to fundraise for the Good Shepherd, which supports the work of Catholic Care. Catholic Care in turns supports the neediest of families in our Diocese of Leeds.





Class Fundraising

Each school year we work hard to raise important funds for different charities and organisations on a local, national and international level. We hold an annual Coffee Morning for Macmillan Cancer Support every year. We will also respond to any local, national or international incident as we have done in the past.

Each class has chosen a charity to support through the year and they will organise events, uploading updates on their class webpages. Do have a look!

Nursery - Sense

Reception - Forget Me Not Children's Charity

Year 1 - Guide Dogs for the Blind

Year 2 - RSPCA

Year 3 -  CAFOD 

Year 4 - Mary’s Meals

Year 5 - Shelter

Year 6 - Yorkshire Air Ambulance

So far this year we have raised almost £400 for our chosen charities. We couldn't raise this wonderful amount without the continued support and generosity of our parents, carers and academy family.


 Each class has ideas of how to raise awareness and finds for their chosen charity. Year 1 had a 'Doggy Dress Up Day' with a visit from Slipper, who carried out the training to be a guide dog. They raised funds too for their charity, Guide Dogs for the Blind.

 Year 4 had a visit from Susanne from Mary's Meals to further raise awareness and help them understand more about the work the charity does. Susanne was very impressed by the questions the children had for her!