In partnership with

St Joseph's Catholic Primary Academy, Finkil Street, Brighouse HD6 2NT

01484 713037

St Joseph's Catholic Primary Academy

We are proud to work with all the Catholic schools across our two local authority areas, particularly as the Trust grows and benefits from the expertise and knowledge that other schools joining in the future will bring.

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Welcome to Year 3!

Mrs Lloyd is our class teacher and Miss Gabbitass is our Teaching Assistant

You can contact us if you have any queries on Class Dojo. Keep a look out for exciting updates posted on our class story!


The Christian Family

We will have the opportunity to 

  • reflect on what it means to be part of a family.
  • reflect on what it means to be part of the Christian family.
  • know that we joined the Christian family when we were baptised.
  • to know what happens when we are baptised.
  • to know the signs used in baptism and understand why they are used.
  • to know the promises made by the parents and godparents at baptism.
  • to know that baptism is a Sacrament.

Parents of children who will be receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation please check all the information in the Catholic Life tab - First Sacraments


LIGHT We are learning about:

  • How light is needed to see things and darkness is the absence of light.
  • How light is reflected from surfaces. 
  • How light from the sun can be dangerous and how we can protect our eyes.
  • How shadows are formed.
  • How the size of shadows change.


The 7 Continents

We are learning about:

  • The names of the 7 continents and where they are located.
  • How the 7 continents were formed  and where they are located using the equator.
  • The names of the countries in each continent, their capital cities and landmarks.
  • How to use a compass to locate countries in a continent.



We are learning about:

  • Primary and secondary colours and using white to change the tone of a colour.
  • Vincent Van Gogh and some of his famous paintings.
  • Using acrylic paint effectively, experimenting with effects and textures.
  • Using acrylic paint to create a similar version of a famous painting.
  • The techniques of Tonking and Sgraffito.
  • Comparing different methods and their effectiveness.



Spellings go home on a Monday and are tested on a Friday.

Group 1 Group 2




Homework is handed out every Wednesday and must be returned the following Wednesday.


Spellings are given out on a Monday and we have a spelling test every Friday.


If your child reads another book apart from their reading book , please make a note of this in their reading record book with any comments.

Please ensure reading books are returned everyday.


Please ensure PE kits are in school for Wednesday. Kits will be kept in school and returned each half term holiday for washing.

This half term we are learning skills in



Class Charity - CAFOD

Our Class Charity this year is CAFOD - which stands for

'The Catholic Agency For Overseas Development'.

Watch this page for updates on fundraising activities.

Thank you for all your donations and support!

This half term we are learning about the  Virtue of

                       Self - Control



Our Class saint is

St Patrick

Student's Student for Autumn Term 1 is



Well done, we are so proud of you!

Our School Mission!

God asks us to

be the best version of ourselves.

God asks us to

try our best and keep everyone learning.

God asks us to

keep ourselves and others healthy and safe.

God asks us to

accept everyone.

God asks us to

look after others and the world around us.

Let us

Love, Learn and Live in Christ!


Year 3 Long Term Plan

y3 long term plan 23 24.pdf