In partnership with

St Joseph's Catholic Primary Academy, Finkil Street, Brighouse HD6 2NT

01484 713037

St Joseph's Catholic Primary Academy

We are proud to work with all the Catholic schools across our two local authority areas, particularly as the Trust grows and benefits from the expertise and knowledge that other schools joining in the future will bring.

Visit Us

Our Parish

Father Michael is our Parish Priest and welcomes everyone to Mass at church.

Our weekend Masses are 6pm on Saturday and 8.30am on Sunday.

At different times of the year our children process, read, sing and contribute to the parish Masses which is always wonderful. 

Our parishioners are prayer sponsors for our children as they prepare for and receive First Sacraments. 

To find out all about our parish please follow this link: 


Sunday 29th October was the first Family Mass of the school year. Our Junior Parish Mission Committee made shakers for the children to use to encourage them to get fully involved. 

 The Mass was a wonderful success and the some of the children came up on the altar to help Father with his homily as he explained the readings.

Family Mass

 Some members of the Junior Parish Mission Committee did the readings. All the children made us very proud as always. 

Father Michael is a regular visitor to school and has excellent relationships with the children and staff.

Not only does he come in to say Masses and hear confessions, he also comes in to support the learning and talk to the children about baptism and the Sacraments, the incense used in church, the life of a priest and much more - including having fun together!


Father Visits

 Our Junior Parish Mission Committee organised a School-Parish Christmas Quiz and advertised this to the school and parish community. This was a fantastic time spent together and it raised lots of money for their chosen charity which is local to us - Focus4Hope.

Well done to them!



Our Choir sang as always at the annual SVP Christmas Party for the housebound and elderly of the parish. They are busy rehearsing a repertoire of carols and Christmas songs. They gave out instruments and streamers too so the party goers could join in! The choir also gave out gifts to the parishioners.

Everyone had a fabulous time!

Choir SVP








At Saturday Mass our children regularly share our Academy News with the parishioners so they can keep up to date with what is happening in school and to invite them to our Masses and liturgies.

Reading at Parish Mass

We work closely with the other schools within our Calderdale catholic Partnership and have organised several 'travelling projects' which make their way round the different parishes linked to our schools for the parishioners to see. This year our Deanery Project focused on the power of prayer. Each school took on a different prayer and created art work to represent it in different ways. Some of our children, along with Mrs Hodges and Mrs Bonner, read at Mass when the project was in our parish so that the parishioners understood the purpose of the display and who created it. Lots of them went to look, spent some time reflecting on it and gave excellent feedback. 

Deanery Project

 At our first parish Mass of May, some of our children from across the classes process up at the start of Mass taking flowers to place around the statue of Our Blessed Lady Mary. The congregation sing a hymn as they do and on reaching the altar father asks one of the children to crown Our Lady. This is always very special.


 Well done to our two school and parish representatives who laid a wreath at the local community Remembrance            Service at Bailiffe Bridge Memorial Park            on Sunday 12th November. 

On Sunday 26th November we held our parish Advent 'crafternoon' in the church hall, followed by Family Mass. Our children really enjoy the opportunity to get creative and then share their creations with the parish.

Father leads everyone in Mass and the children help him during the homily and play percussion instruments to accompany the hymns too!

Advent Family Mass

 Bishop Marcus came to our parish to say a special Mass for one of our parishioners who is training to be a Deacon. Our school was represented by both staff and children, including members of our Junior Parish Mission Committee and some of our children were altar servers too! What a wonderful time spent with the Bishop.